07882 741 484 enquiries@maximcare.uk
07882 741 484



We believe in offering cost-effective services to also lessen the burden on clients and their families. We don’t believe in any hidden or additional charges besides the basic care costs. We are proud to be one of the most competitively priced care providers in the UK.

We have included some indicative costs below for some of the most common services. The final costs of any Care Package can only be determined after a full needs assessment has been completed and agreed.

Our Assessment Team will also advise you of any funding that maybe available to you from your Local Authority and other statutory benefits.

Respite Care Costs

Prices for respite care start from £250 per day

Live-in Care Costs

Our prices for 24-hour support from a live-in carer start from £975 per week for a single person and £1,500 per week for a couple.

Personal Care Costs

Our prices for personal care in the home start from £19.75 per hour (30-minute visits are also available). Weekends, Nights, and Bank Holidays are charged differently and these prices will be advised during the assessment.

Social Services Funded Care

The local authority’s social services department has the responsibility of assessing your care needs. Once you have been assessed and your Local Authority has identified a need for care, they will assess your finances to work out how you may be entitled to receive to fund your care.

You will be given various options including the care you require, the availability of services in the local area and the providers available.

Local Authorities will choose to arrange and manage your care or you will receive a personal budget where you will be given money to pay for services and can choose your own provider giving you greater control and choice.

Residential Care Funding

If you require Residential Care, Local Authorities will assess your finances and include the value of your assets. If you qualify the Local Authority will meet your care costs but if you do not qualify, you will need to fund your own Residential Care Costs.

If you’re not eligible for funding from your Local Authority, there may be other options available to you. If you are eligible, there are various benefits provided by the government that could help you meet the cost of funding your care.

To find out more please get in touch with our experienced advisers who can help find out more and explore your funding options.

Maxim Care Services Funding Team, Tel: +44 (0)7882 741 484, Email: client.enquiry@maximcare.uk

You can also contact your Local Authority for more information or

Funding Your Own Care

If you are funding your own care or Self-Funding Care, this means that you are paying you’re your own care without help from the Local Authority. This gives greater control and decision-making regarding the type of care you receive and the providers to choose from.

Direct Payments

Direct Payments were introduced by the government to help give individuals more choice and control over the care they receive and the providers they can choose from.

The payments for care are made directly to the individual after assessment by the local authority for the individual’s care needs. After the payment has been made it is now up to the individual to arrange and organise for their care.


Contact us today to find out about our personalised and fully tailored care and support services.